2018 Chickering Winter Olympics in Review

Every 4 years, Chickering School has their own version of the Winter Olympics, when the real Olympics are taking place.  Ms Riordan and Mr. Fraser, our physical education [P.E.] teachers, used our P.E. or gym equipment, to replicate the actual Olympic events. The events include:  Biathlon, Cross Country Skiing, Curling, Luge, Skeleton, and Speed Skating. To recognize these activities they appear as follows:

. Biathlon – children “skate” on styrofoam, then shoot a basketball or yarn ball into a basket
. Cross Country Skiing – 2 children “skiing” together
. Curling – children use a hockey stick to push donut-shaped rings into a circle
. Luge – sitting on scooters and being pushed by another student
. Skeleton – lying on the scooter
. Speed Skating – children “skate” on styrofoam

Ms Riordan  and Mr. Fraser asked us to review and edit about 500 photos from our Olympic events … this took a very long time! We hope you enjoy our photo review of the Winter Olympic.

Photographs by Ms Riordan and Mr. Fraser

Created by Bella, Bea, Neal, and Ronan

Wonder Why Wedesday

Chickering Student Radio


In our classroom, every Wednesday our teacher presents a questions for us to answer. To learn more about this weekly event, we talked with our teacher, Mrs. Grady. So sit back, relax, and have a cupcake while you listen to our chat.


Reported by Trystyn, Jackson and Oliver

Kindness Is Contagious

Chickering Student Radio


In March, our school celebrated kindness. We wrote acts of kindness that we have seen or done on sticky-notes and posted them on classroom doors. To learn more about this special event we had a chat with our teacher, Mrs. Grady.


Reported by: Rain Carter and Bridget Wyers

Our Identities

Image of the engraved rock outside Chickering School showing the name of the school and year 2001.Chickering Student Video



Sr. Romer, our Spanish teacher, asked the reporters to create a video showing a sampling of fourth graders explaining, in Spanish, their identities. We selected four students from Mrs. Atkinson’s, Mrs. Grady’s, and Mrs. Kraeutler’s classes.  We hope you enjoy viewing this video.

Reported by Finnegan, Oscar, Elis, and Caroline

Coooool Air Conditioning!



Chickering has been struggling with high temperatures for over a decade.   This past summer air conditioning was installed in all of the classrooms. To learn how this all came about we talked to Mr. Hill, Chairman of the Dover School Committee, who was instrumental in convincing the citizens to fund this project. Sit back and enjoy our Podcast.

Reported by James, Gavin, and Asher