Phenomenial Office Harry

Image of the engraved rock outside Chickering School showing the name of the school and year 2001.Chickering Student Video



Officer Harry Grabert is a police officer who helps Dover Public Schools and makes sure all the kids are safe. We talked to him to see what it is like to be a School Resource Officer. We hope you enjoy our conversation with Officer Harry.

Reported by Hunter and Grant

3 thoughts on “Phenomenial Office Harry

  1. Thank you Hunter, Grant and Officer Grabert!

    I did not know that Officer Grabert dislikes traffic duty so much. It was interesting to learn why he became a police officer. I wonder if he could choose a different career, what would he choose?

    Dr. Reinemann

  2. Nice job guys I liked it a lot. A suggestion I have is that your volume goes up and down – it would me more enjoyable to listen to if the volume was the same. Great work!

  3. We liked the questions you asked especially the question about what was his least favorite part of the job because people don’t often ask that question. The other thing we enjoyed was how the tables were turned and Officer Harry Grabert was being interrogated. Next time, choose the front view of the police station instead of the street view, because if you weren’t from Dover, you wouldn’t know it was the police station. Nice Job!

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