Magical Mosaic Mural

    Our school decided to have a mosaic mural in honor of all of the past, present, and future teachers and students at our school. The mural was designed by Joshua Winer, a local mosaic artist. The mural is hanging in the lobby so all of the people who come to visit our school can see the amazing mosaic mural! All the staff and students got to work on the mural and have their own little parts that they will always remember!  

     Google sure comes in handy when you need it. It really helped Mrs. Pelletier when she was looking for an artist. Mrs. Pelletier wanted a permanent art media that could be hung up on the wall and kids could touch it. She Googled Massachusetts mosaic murals and Josh Winer’s website was the first one to come up. Beep, Beep Ring, Ring, she called him up on the phone. After a while the deal was done and Josh Winer would come to our school to make a mosaic mural in honor of all the teachers past, present and future at Chickering School. She had been planning to have a mosaic mural at our school, since spring 2010 (the end of last year). All of the teachers had a big meeting and made different ideas and sketches. Josh combined all the ideas to make our amazing mural!!       

     Do you like pizza? Well Josh Winer must really like it a lot, he ate pizza for 4 years as partial payment for his art. Josh was asked to make a mural for a pizza parlor at age 19 when he was in college. In return the pizza parlor gave him $100 and free pizza for 4 whole years. 

      Since then, he has considered himself as an artist. Josh Winer has created 20 mosaic murals in Massachusetts, U.S.A. Most of the murals are in schools; such as, Wayland Middle School and High school, Locker School, Pine Hill School,  The Alcott school, and many more. He has been making murals for 7-8 years. Mr. Winer thinks that murals should be in public areas for everyone to enjoy. His favorite part of his job is working with the children and parents, not just working alone. His murals range in size from 6 x 6 feet, to 60 x 60 feet, to a mile long, in Newton, MA! Not only has he worked in the United States but also in France. If you would like to learn more about Josh Winer and his art, please visit his website: Josh Winer

     Our mural will inspire visitors that come, including us when we come back to the school and see the mural.

We would thank all the people that put the effort into helping with the mosaic mural. Special thanks to Mrs. Pelletier and Josh Winer for letting us interview them.

Reported by: Hannah T., Avery, Zoelle, Drew, Hannah D., Catherine, Caroline, Princess, Mary, Annabel, and Chloe