Q&A with our Gym Teacher Mr. Fraser

Image of the engraved rock outside Chickering School showing the name of the school and year 2001.Chickering Student

Over the past couple of weeks we’ve been working on an interview with our gym teacher Mr. Fraser. We did a Q&A with him and we learned a lot about him.We learned a lot about his favorite sports, players, and teams. We enjoyed learning about him and hope you do too.

Reported by Ronan and Finnegan

Chickering Reporters

cChickering reporter working on blog post Being a Chickering Reporter is a great experience. We brainstorm what we want to blog about. And we go out and do it with our group. Reporters interview people to learn about their point of view and gather information. When you’re a Chickering Reporter you have to listen, be kind, be flexible to change, and be efficient. If you are a fourth or fifth grader and you don’t want to learn how to play an instrument, you can participate as an astonishing reporter. As a reporter you can report on what happens around Chickering School.

We interviewed a few current reporters  to find out what they liked better, band or reporters? We asked three people and they all liked reporters. George B. said he liked it because “if you get a job as a reporter you will already have some experience.” Another reporter, Peter answered, “reporters better then band because it can help you be a better writer.” “There is not as much homework as in band.”, answered John S. As you can see, these students preferred reporters.

We also asked what is your favorite thing to report on. Nathan said “virtual tour because we reporter editing audio filescould show kids how are school worked.”  When he reported on the aquarium because we got to take pictures of all the animals like stingrays and fish”Martin shared.

We also asked which do you like better band or reporters. George B. answered “reporters because, it’s fun to interview people.” Peter replied “reporters because,it can help you become a better writer.” John stated” reporters because, there’s not as much homework as in band.

editing blog posts

We interviewed Kirby about if he would change, he answered, “I would not change because, in Millis I did band and I didn’t like it.

As you can see from our interviews reporters is a very entertaining class but, so is band. Both bring out different learning styles and interests to address all students. It really is a personal decision as to weather you do band or reporters.

Reported by Carter, Garrett, and Louis