Our New Librarian, Mrs. Winters

Chickering Student Radio

 Our old librarian retired so we wanted to know more about our new one, Mrs. Winters. We decided to interview her and we learned about her favorite book and other fun facts, like how she became a librarian. We hope you enjoy this podcast. Thank you for listening!


Reported by Caroline and Bella

One thought on “Our New Librarian, Mrs. Winters

  1. Dear Caroline and Bella,

    Nice job, ladies! I loved your choice of questions you asked Ms Winters. I was happy to learn that she has a challenge when asked what is her favorite book. That maybe a challenge for all librarians. I would have a hard time answering that question as well. I do like Eve Ibbotson’s books too!

    One suggestion for when you make a podcast again, don’t forget the ‘jingle’ after the conclusion. It is nice to begin and end with a jingle; it sort of finishes it off nicely.

    Love that you are reporters! I cannot wait to see/hear your next post.

    Miss you!
    Mrs. Chase (your ‘old librarian’)

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