U.S. Rockin’ Regions

We wanted to try our hands at using the library’s new green screen and lights, so we offered to create an introduction video for our 4th teachers to use in their classrooms. We used the iPad app, Green Screen by Do Ink, and it was pretty easy.

We hope you like our first attempt using a green screen for a video production.

Created and produced by: Liam, OllieĀ and Margaret B.


6 thoughts on “U.S. Rockin’ Regions

  1. What an informative and well researched video. I enjoyed learning about the regions in the US. Great job reporters!

  2. Amazing work reporters!! Very impressive! As someone who wasn’t born here, I learnt so much about the 5 regions – thank you!

  3. Wow! That is awesome! What a great first ‘green screen’ movie! I can’t wait to see what you come up with next year!

  4. What a wonderful piece of work to share with other students and teachers! Thanks for sharing your research and creativity. Very inspiring.

  5. You guys did a great job remembering your lines.
    I wished it was a little louder so I would be able to hear every word that you guys said about all the regions and national sites.
    It was amazing how you could name all the state in each regions without hesitating.

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