
Life size inflatable dinosaur modelHuge! Gigantic! Creatures filled the gym of Chickering School. What are they? Life size colorful blow-up dinosaurs. Who are they for?

We asked some students who were learning about The Dinosaur Unit in second grade two questions: What is your favorite dinosaur and why? From Mrs. Baker’s class, Andrew said that the Plautus because he likes how the tail and neck is really long. Addie likes the Pterodactyl because it can fly. From Mrs. Brannelly’s class, Amy said that she likes the Pterodactyl because it can fly. Theo , T Rex because it’s huge! From Ms. Genetilli’s class, Ingrid said that she liked the Brontosaurus because it’s a plant eater and she likes plants. Aiden said that he likes the Stegosaurus because he likes spikey things. From Mrs. Moran’s class, Noah likes the T Rex because it’s one the most bad dinosaurs, it can kill other dinosaurs. From Mrs. Young’s class, Kevin likes the T Rex because it has three horns.

The second question is what was one new dinosaur fact you learned from Dino Man?

– Kevin learned that the dinosaurs that Dinoman showed them were not real dinosaurs.
– Addie learned that you can dig for dinosaur bones.
– Amy said that paleontologist put the bones the wrong way in museums.
– Ingrid learned that not all dinosaurs have big bones.
– Aiden said that the egg is more oval than round.

We interviewed lots of kids about dinosaurs and their visit to. Dinoman is a person who specializes in dinosaurs, called a Paleontologist. We asked kids what they learned from Dinoman. The second grade was learning about dinosaurs in science. The second grade had to pick a dinosaur that they liked and make a poster or diorama about it. We interviewed 1 or 2 students from each class in second grade. They all learned something new.

Reported by: Peter, Jonathan,Sara and Iona

3 thoughts on “DinoMan

  1. Great Job Sara, Peter, Iona and Jonathan!
    I like how you added in information about dinosaurs. I think that for your next post you could put in a few less answers from your interviews. I also like how you put the second graders favorite types of dinosaurs and why!
    Wonderful work,
    ~ Brickley!!!

  2. Sara, Iona, Peter, and Jonathan,
    I really liked how you guys added the slide show with all the pictures of the dinosaurs in the gym. I also liked how you added alot of detail into your post about the interviews and that you added every interview together.

    – Zoey

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