Ancient Dinosaurs

Image of the engraved rock outside Chickering School showing the name of the school and year 2001.Chickering Student

Explore the facts about some ancient creatures known as the dinosaurs. Dig through some of the things we say and be a listening paleontologist. Find some of the biggest and smallest dinosaurs and have a good time listening to and watching Ancient Dinosaurs!



  • “Labrador-sized dinosaurs walked on earth 243 million years ago.” The Telegraph. Web. 1 May. 2019.
  • “Spinosaurus facts for kids.” Science Kids. Web. 8 May 2019.
  • “The biggest dinosaur ever!” Science Kids. Web 8 May 2019.
  • “The 19 smallest Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals.” Web. ThoughtCo. 15 May 2019.
  • “What is the oldest dinosaur ever found.” Enchanted Learning. Web. 15 May 2019. 

Reported by Max B., Max K., and Jackson