Caring, Creative, Cool Mrs. Chiavarini!




Our teacher, Mrs. Chiavarini, is new to fourth grade this year, just as we are. We wanted to know her a little better so we had a chat with her. We hope you enjoy getting to know Mrs. Chiavarini.  


Reported by Sam, Abby W., and Jenna

4 thoughts on “Caring, Creative, Cool Mrs. Chiavarini!

  1. That was SO well done! I felt like I was listening to an interview on the radio. You spoke so nicely and asked great questions, which meant we all got to learn things about Mrs Chiavarini that we never knew before. I especially liked the way she thinks she will keep teaching, even when she is much older. And I must ask her more about her trip to England!

    Congratulations reporters, Sam, Abby and Jenna.

  2. Nice job Sam, Abby and Jenna! We all love Mrs Chiavarini, and so it was so much fun to learn some things about her that we didn’t know before. You asked some great questions. Well done!

  3. Dear Sam, Abby, and Jenna,
    I loved your report! I thought that if you had asked Mrs. Chiavarini how long she had been teaching and when she started teaching, it might have been better. But I liked how you answered a lot of the questions that I had about Mrs. Chiavarini. I look forward to your next report.
    Sincerely, Iris

  4. Sam, Abby and Jenna,

    Thanks for sharing your interview with Mrs. Chiavarini! She has so many interests! I forgot she taught PK! I guess she is destined to be a teacher-

    Dr. Reinemann

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